Why Does This Substack Exist?

In my usual work, I like to write about all the lines of evidence going into building a grand narrative of “What is true about (topic)?”. This however takes a lot of polishing to do well, and this substack is specifically meant to be a place where I give myself the freedom to not do that. Rather, this is to be a place where the half-baked thoughts can be put with the understanding that there may be obvious objections that I’ve thought about but haven’t evaluated yet, or where I give myself the liberty to work off of unsourced background assumptions which I’m too lazy to go and fetch the sources for. Alternatively, it may also be a place where I do put together something rather polished, but regarding a topic that doesn’t easily fit well together into a grand narrative with the other things I’ve written about.

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Arms dealer for hate facts. Race science, IQ, meta science.


Writer of 'half-baked thoughts'